Rehab For Women in Port Saint Lucie, FL

In both current addiction and recovery from addiction, women with substance use disorders (SUD) confront different challenges than men.

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Rehab For Women At Miracles Recovery Center

In both current addiction and recovery from addiction, women with substance use disorders (SUD) confront different challenges than men. Understanding the elements that contribute to women’s addiction treatment, makes it easier to select the finest addiction treatment center/treatment facilities and increases the chances of long-term recovery.

Rehab For Women

According to research, when it comes to substance abuse and recovery, women confront unique challenges. These factors, which influence substance use and misuse and recovery and relapse in women, are frequently different from those in men.

Several studies now show that women consume nonmedical prescription drugs at a higher rate than men. 19.5 million women aged 18 and up have used illicit drugs in the previous year. Furthermore, 8.4 million girls in the same age range misused a prescription opioid in the last year.

Men and women have different statistics when it comes to substance abuse issues. SUDs and alcohol abuse disorders have historically been more prevalent in men than in women. During the last decade or so, this disparity has begun to close dramatically. In the early 1980s, studies suggested a 5:1 male-to-female AUD ratio. According to surveys from the early 2000s, the ratio has changed to 3:1 since then. Thousands of people reach out for use every day, taking the first step on the road to recovery.

When It Comes To Addiction Recovery, Everyone Has Different Challenges

The obstacles you face are influenced by your age, sex, personal history, medical history, and co-occurring mental health conditions. Because everyone’s circumstances are different, addiction therapy should be tailored and multifaceted. On the other hand, women face obstacles in addiction recovery that males do not, so finding a women’s rehab clinic like Miracle Recovery Center may be beneficial.

Women’s Screening And Assessment Requirements

Screening and assessment are critical steps in deciding whether or not to treat women with substance use disorders. Understanding the type and degree of the woman’s substance use and how it interacts with other aspects of her life is critical to obtaining an accurate diagnosis and determining successful treatment.

Screening is a quick procedure for deciding whether certain conditions exist. There is also screening for co-occurring risks, ailments, or disorders in addition to women drug rehabilitation and alcohol screening. Drug rehab centers address gender-specific relapse issues.

Assessment is a continuous process in which the counselor understands the client’s problems, the best ways to address them, and her progress during therapy. General mental problems, eating disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, the risk of harming oneself or others, and a history of childhood trauma or interpersonal violence are all examples.

On the other hand, assessment entails a thorough investigation of numerous aspects of a woman’s life to diagnose substance use disorders and the presence of co-occurring illnesses. Exploring the woman’s strengths, coping techniques, and available support systems should be part of the assessment process.

A thorough health examination and medical exam are also required as part of the evaluation. The affirmation of cultural relevance and strength is crucial in screening and assessing women with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Counselors should be aware of the women’s artistic ideas and values and their level of acculturation, language, literacy, and emotional capacity to respond. This aids in the assessment process and encourages the ladies to participate in treatment.

Addiction Recovery: Obstacles During Rehab For Women

Women are addicted quicker than men

Women are less likely than men to consume illegal substances on average. They consider them riskier, and there is a more significant social stigma attached to women who use drugs and alcohol. When it comes to drink and other substances, women are rapidly closing the gender difference. Men are more likely than women to be introduced to illicit drugs through friends. Still, women are more likely to be introduced to illegal drugs by an intimate partner, resulting in less exposure to potentially addictive substances.

Women who use drugs and alcohol, on the other hand, tend to escalate their consumption and become addicted far more quickly than men. Physiological reasons are assumed to be at play, and some may change depending on the substance.

Women, for example, are more impacted by alcohol because they have less of an enzyme in their stomach that breaks down alcohol, resulting in a higher blood alcohol content. As a result, a drink for a woman may have twice the effect as a drink for a male. Several studies have linked the hormones estrogen and progesterone to an increase in addictive behavior.

Women may form friendships with people who aren’t interested in their recovery

In a UCLA study of more than 300 patients from 26 treatment programs, 32 percent of men relapsed after six months, whereas just 22 percent of women relapsed.

While attempting to explain the gap, researchers looked at the possibility that women had more substantial social support, which is one of the effective ways to a successful recovery. Women were shown to be more likely than men to retain a social network. But the network was not particularly supportive of women’s drug rehabilitation.

Maintaining interactions with people who do not support and may purposefully undermine your recovery is a big concern for someone in recovery. It’s even more of a problem if you’re still in a relationship with someone who drinks or does drugs, especially if you’re in a codependent relationship.

Substance Abuse causes health problems in women more quickly than in males

As previously stated, women metabolize certain chemicals differently than men and often inefficiently. This can hasten the onset of addiction as well as the onset of health concerns. If every drink a woman consumes is roughly equivalent to two glasses, she is causing far more harm to her body in the same length of time.

Fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis are disorders that women are more likely to get than men. Women are also more susceptible to cardiovascular illness, particularly heart muscle injury and alcohol-induced brain damage.

Finally, binge drinking raises the incidence of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and liver, colon, and breast cancer. Many of these problems can arise at a young age, and substance abuse treatment should include treatment for these health problems.

Negative Emotions Make Women More Likely To Relapse

We frequently think that negative events, such as a breakup or a job loss, cause relapses, but at least one study reveals that this is not the case. According to a study, men were more likely to experience pleasant emotions before relapse. They may be in a good mood and relax their guard, or they may believe that they may drink in moderation because they don’t “need” a drink.

In the survey, 56% of women admitted to relapsing as soon as the notion of using cocaine crossed their minds, compared to only 17% of males.

On the other hand, women were more likely than men to report unpleasant emotions or interpersonal issues before relapsing. When women retreated, they tended to be more impulsive. This is why healthy coping mechanisms, robust connections, and emotional regulation skills in women’s addiction treatment are so important.

Women Experience Mental Health Issues Much More Than Men

At least half of those who have a substance abuse problem also have a mental health problem. Depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD, autism spectrum disorders, and personality disorders are among the most common.

These issues affect both men and women equally, and while some affect men more than women, the most common mental health conditions–anxiety disorders and depression–affect women about twice as much as men.

There are various possible explanations for this. Hormones, which alter dramatically throughout menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth, play a crucial influence. Women’s serotonin–the “feel-good hormone”–processing differs from men’s, resulting in higher stress levels.

Domestic violence, physical assault, and sexual assault are significantly more common in women than in males, and they can lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Recovery requires integrated dual diagnosis therapy for these co-occurring mental health conditions.

Women Have Different Barriers To Addiction Treatment Than Men

Men, on average, are more hesitant to confess they have a problem and seek help. They interpret it as a sign of weakness or inability to deal with their difficulties. Women are more likely than men to seek help for substance abuse and mental health problems, but they may confront additional obstacles. Women, for example, face a more considerable stigma when they admit to having a substance abuse problem.

One of the most regularly reported reasons is that they are the primary caregiver and are unable or unable to leave their child or children to get counseling. Another reason is the stigma of being a woman, particularly a mother, with an alcohol addiction or substance dependency problem. Furthermore, women continue to experience pay disparities, which often prevent them from receiving the treatment they require.

women's rehab

Does Treatment Work For Women?

Women, like everyone else, must seek tailored, integrated care, but once they locate treatment providers that provide this care, they can begin their recovery.

Women who have completed addiction treatment are less likely to drink or use drugs months after they have completed it. Many women also stated that they had improved relationships with their families, felt better physically, and had fewer medical issues. Their mental health and attitude on life both improved as a result of the treatment.

Part of the reason some women haven’t recovered in the past is that they’ve received treatment plan designed for guys. Although addiction is a universal condition, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all treatment. We all have the strength and ability to recover with the correct help.

On the other hand, needs of women have distinct wants from men, and each woman has different necessity than the next. As a result, the National Treatment must address the individual’s drug addiction, as well as any physical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal concerns that may have emerged as a result of it, according to the Institute on Drug Abuse.

It’s also crucial that the specific treatment is tailored to the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture.

women’s addiction treatment helps you to accept yourself as you are. It teaches you how to recognize your abilities and how to use them to your advantage. It identifies areas where you might require additional assistance or information and then provides it. Parenting seminars, life skills training, family therapy, and even career education are all possibilities. It teaches you how to fight for what you want.

Miracles Recovery Center Rehab For Women Will Help You Recover

Women will improve if they receive the proper addiction treatment. But how can they acquire the assistance, especially if that assistance appears to be inaccessible or out of reach? How will she be able to receive effective, compassionate care?

How does she put her obligations and concerns aside so that she may deal with these challenges? First and foremost, don’t give up before you even begin. Women’s addiction treatment is getting effective from time to time.

The first thing to do is to get in touch with our admissions coordinators. Within our women’s program, we provide integrated treatment targeted to a woman’s specific recovery needs. We’ll assist you in identifying and then overcoming your roadblocks to therapy. We can help you with the specifics, including determining insurance coverage, finding daycare, and planning travel and vacation time.

Miracle Recovery Center is going to take care of the rest! Before you call, you don’t have to have every — or even any — detail planned out. You don’t have to know the answers to all of your questions ahead of time.

It’s now your turn to be looked after and supported. Allow us to hold your hand as you take the first steps toward a better life free of opioid addiction. Your recovery is just one step away from you, so Contact us to live the life you want.

Miracles Recovery Center

When considering if a Partial Hospitalization Program is the correct treatment option for you, here are important questions to take into consideration:

  • - Do you have a safe home environment?
  • - Are you at a level of drug or alcohol use that would be suited best for an inpatient level of care?

If you are wondering if these apply to you contact Miracles Recovery Center to talk to one of our professionals about your particular situation.

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