What Happens If You Snort Adderall?
Can you snort Adderall?

What is Adderall?

Adderall is considered a prescription stimulant drug utilized to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, otherwise known as ADHD. It might be used or abused regularly as a “study drug” to increase wakefulness, as a “crash diet drug” because of its appetite-suppressing effects, or as a “party drug” recreationally for the energy, euphoria, and excitability it can promote. A University of Kentucky study discovered that 30% of its students had abused a form of ADHD medication such as Adderall in their lifetime. 

CNN reported that the above-mentioned statistics might represent a small-scale version of a bigger picture of several college campuses around the country. Adderall is a combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine that is available in extended-release (ER) or immediate-release (IR) formulations. There were issued warnings regarding potential dangerous side effects of the drug, including the possibility of deadly overdoses when the medication is not correctly taken as prescribed. 

Adderall might be abused by individuals taking the drug without an actual medical need, for recreational purposes, taking way more of the dosage than originally prescribed, or by adjusting the drug to use it in a way other than what is originally intended. The drug was classified as Schedule II by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) because it has a high potential for diversion, addiction, and abuse even though it does have authorized medical uses as well. When Adderall is abused in various manners can be dangerous.

It was reported that in 2011 over 17,000 individuals sought emergency department (ED) treatment according to the Drug Abuse Warning System (DAWN) for negative reactions to dextroamphetamine-amphetamine medication. 

Adderall Overdose

If you’re asking the question, “What happens if you snort Adderall?” One crucial potential dangerous way to snort Adderall or abuse Adderall is through overdose which can lead to brain damage, coma, or even death. There is a stimulant nature from amphetamine in Adderall that serves to raise blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rates, and heart rate. 

It makes alterations to brain chemistry that are related to the following:

  • Concentration abilities
  • Sleep functions
  • Energy levels
  • Pleasure 
  • Appetite

When Adderall is taken necessarily for working and medical purposes as prescribed, it can assist individuals in combatting hyperactivity, balancing some of the chemicals in the brain affected negatively by ADHD, and help them focus. If an individual abuses Adderall, the actual functions of the central nervous system might even be increased due to risky levels. Adderall capsules or tablets are crushed often and then snorted to experience a more speedy high. 

Crushing and afterward snorting Adderall medication that has more of an extended-release format, such as Adderall XR, detours the way that the drug is supposed to be released slowly in set doses over a period. It instead sends the complete amount of the drug into the person’s bloodstream all at once. The brain might be overwhelmed by the actual amount of Adderall suddenly in its system and might not be able to break down the drug safely. 

Side Effects of Adderall Overdose

  • Racing heart rate
  • Severe confusion 
  • Hypertension 
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures
  • Fever 

Without rapid medical treatment, heart attack, stroke, and death can occur. Mixing alcohol along with other drugs with Adderall increases the risks of severe side effects of an overdose. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DIA), close to about 30,000 Americans died in 2014 from a prescription drug overdose. 

What Are the Dangers Associated With Mixing Adderall?

There are many dangers associated with mixing Adderall, especially with alcohol. On nearly every prescription medication, there are basic written instructions providing warning against combining Adderall with alcohol and then consuming it. Additionally, the majority of physicians will strongly advise against using any type of prescription medication along with alcohol. 

Several warnings were issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the many dangers of mixing drugs. There are textbooks such as Chemical Dependency Treatment: Innovative Group Approaches and Concepts of Chemical Dependency that discuss a few of the reasons why it’s not desirable to mix prescription medication with alcohol. 

  • Despite the perception that alcohol or stimulant isn’t working as effectively as one might believe, the actual content of the drug hasn’t been modified. This makes it far simpler to overdose on either alcohol or stimulant when both drugs are used in conjunction.
  • When mixing alcohol with the majority of the different medications, reduces the overall effectiveness of the medication. Once alcohol is mixed with stimulants, it leads to the perception that the effects of both drugs aren’t as important as they would be if one is alone.
  • Continued use of huge quantities of Adderall and alcohol in conjunction can lead to an extremely complex situation where a person has developed co-occurring substance use disorders or polysubstance abuse.
  • The actual potential for idiosyncratic effects (effects of the drug based on individual differences in psychological makeup and physiology) is distinctly enhanced. 
  • When one mixes drugs with other different effects, several potential unforeseeable effects can occur that often would not if an individual consumed either Adderall or alcohol alone. This can include potentially risky side effects, such as seizures. 

Why Do Individuals Mix Adderall With Alcohol?

If you’ve asked yourself, “What happens if you snort Adderall?” It’s most likely that you’ve also asked the question, “Why do individuals mix Adderall with alcohol?” Adderall abuse can happen across many age groups, but the group it occurs with the most often is males between the ages of 15-30. 

There has been research indicating that Adderall abuse is extremely more common on college campuses than among people who aren’t in college. It has also been found by research that the majority of people who have a prescription for Adderall, who use it for medicinal purposes, aren’t necessarily the major abusers of the drug. 

The individuals who abuse Adderall typically obtain it from the following sources:

  • Under the incorrect impression that the abuse or misuse of a prescription drug doesn’t represent a potentially hazardous situation 
  • As a result of stealing the drug from an individual who has a prescription for the drug
  • From a relative or friend who has a prescription for it
  • As a result of buying Adderall illegally (without a prescription) 

Even though the majority of the individuals with a prescription for the drug don’t abuse it, the increase in prescriptions of stimulants for ADHD leads to increased availability of these drugs for the potential abusers. It has also been indicated by research that a remarkable number of individuals who abuse prescription stimulant medications will end up abusing the substances together are indeed varied. 

  • Adderall abuse in college students is connected with the onset of many college examinations. Individuals do abuse Adderall to study for lengthy periods or improve overall concentration. Since Adderall can cause jitteriness and hyperactivity, individuals might drink alcohol to prevent these effects.
  • Based on more research findings, it seems that the reason individuals abuse Adderall and alcohol together is to unsharpen the unpleasant side effects of the stimulant drug by drinking alcohol. 
  • Some individuals are under the inaccurate impression that because Adderall is a prescription medication, using it in combination with alcohol isn’t as potentially fatal as using a more illicit drug with alcohol. 
  • In more studies, several individuals reported drinking alcohol with Adderall as an effort to allow them to “party” for a longer time. The stimulant will be able to counteract some of the depressant effects of alcohol. 

What Are the Dangers of Snorting Adderall? 

In addition to the extremely high-risk unplanned overdose, there are numerous other specific hazards and dangers of when an individual snorts Adderall such as the following:

What happens if you snort Adderall?

  • Potential damage to the brain functions involving memory and learning
  • Sexual dysfunction or sex drive changes
  • Increased hostility and aggression
  • Damage to sinus and nasal cavity
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Delirium or hallucinations
  • Paranoia or panic attacks
  • Numbness in extremities
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Respiratory infections
  • Racing heart rate
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lung damage
  • Fast breathing
  • Itching or rash
  • Blurred vision 
  • Hypertension
  • Stomach pain 
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Headache
  • Chest pain 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability 
  • Tremor
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

Adderall can increase the levels of a few of an individual’s chemical messengers such as Epinephrine (Adrenaline), Dopamine, and Norepinephrine. They are partially responsible for making individuals feel satisfactory by enhancing fulfillment. The Columbia Review described messengers equipping a person’s body for anything that might activate the “fight-or-flight” response and increase alertness. These actual effects might present desirable, and an individual abusing Adderall might be perceptive to recreating the satisfactory feelings.

When an individual regularly abuses Adderall, the way that the individual’s natural brain chemicals are produced can be altered. How the chemicals flow throughout the central nervous system, creates an overall imbalance that only Adderall can then go ahead and rectify. From there, dependence is formed. 

Once the drug is removed and the overall use is ceased, the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms come such as the following:

  • Difficulties thinking clearly or concentrating
  • Memory issues
  • Depression 
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue

A lot of the time, withdrawal symptoms are the exact opposite experience of what an Adderall “high” feels like. The desire to avoid the withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings have the possibility of transcribing into compulsive Adderall abuse and drug-seeking behavior.  When an individual happens to snort Adderall, it might lead to overall increased risk for developing an Adderall addiction. 

As reported by NIDA, it sends the drug more swiftly into the individual’s brain, thus creating more chemical changes way more rapidly than a person swallowing the drug can. 

How to Spot Adderall Abuse?

According to the National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health, close to 1.5 million Americans, in 2013, aged 12 and older abused a form of a prescription stimulant drug such as Adderall around the time of, or in the month leading up to this survey. Adderall addiction or abuse is associated with the following:

  • Seeking out a prescription even when it’s not needed by manufacturing symptoms or “doctor shopping” (asking multiple doctors for the same prescription) 
  • Drastic changes in sleeping habits, such as swinging from being awake for long periods then “crashing” for hours or more
  • Unpredictable mood swings, from euphoric, focused, and energetic to violent, anxious, and depressed
  • Snorting paraphernalia, such as mirrors, razor blades, rolled-up dollar bills, straws, and pen cases
  • Prescription bottles in the trash or belongings even if there’s no medical need for the drugs
  • Going through prescriptions for Adderall faster than necessary 
  • Evidence of powder on the face, clothes, or around the nose or mouth 
  • Potential financial strain due to spending money on Adderall
  • Significant weight loss and change in appetite levels
  • Increased risky behaviors and drug use despite negative consequences
  • Cutting or drug-crushing tools
  • A decline in physical appearance
  • A drop in grades or trouble at work
  • Social isolation or withdrawal and trouble with interpersonal relationships
  • Lack of interest or involvement in things not involving Adderall
  • Unreliability and an inability to consistently keep up with obligations
  • Possible run-ins with law enforcement or legal troubles
  • Increased secrecy 

When Adderall is used as prescribed, it might be beneficial for individuals struggling with ADHD. However, when it’s snorted and used outside of medicinal purposes, it can be dangerous. The abuse of Adderall can potentially cause a deadly overdose along with other medical complications, therefore leading to addiction. 

Conquer Adderall Addiction at Miracles Recovery

Even though prescription drug addiction continues to be a growing epidemic in our country, we believe that there is still hope. We understand that addiction recovery doesn’t look identical for everyone, and each person will require different needs. Whether you decide on an inpatient or outpatient treatment option, our caring and licensed professionals will always have your best interest at heart. Get started today!


  • What happens when you snort Adderall?
  • What are the effects of snorting Adderall?