Alcohol Addiction

Posts in the Alcohol Addiction category

How the Feeling of Powerlessness Impacts Addiction

When we feel powerless, we often turn to addiction as a way to cope. Addiction provides a false sense of control and power, which can be incredibly seductive when we feel like our lives are spiraling out of control.  However, this false sense of power quickly turns...

Denial and Blame Shifting After a Relapse

It's never easy when someone relapses from addiction recovery. Not just for the addict who veered off their path, but for the loved ones of the addict, too. When a relapse happens, it’s important to remember that a relapse is just a bump in the road, not a complete...
alcohol and swelling

Alcohol and Swelling: Does Drinking Cause Inflammation?

Inflammation can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Heavy consumption adds to inflammation that affects your entire system by interfering with your body’s natural defenses against the rush of gut microbes and their products. Chronic alcohol use harms the...